Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Chalk Board Drawings

A series of Chalk board Drawings were initiated during a seven day period. Each Drawing therefore wiped out the previous day’s Drawing.
The successive drawings were (built on the History of previous drawings) and allow visible overlapping of imagery. This suggested the idea of an inner narrative. Here, text was partially visible (building on the idea) that, we have many forms of work, to do, at any one moment.
The drawings were restricted by medium and media. They were made from short bursts of work and residue ideas and concerns. The reason the drawings were made on the chalk board was to overlap my domestic and Artistic self. The drawings are one aspect of Identity. The black board is used to outline the week’s calendar, but I wanted to use it as a canvas for my work. The restriction enforced by the crude implement of chalk restricted each drawn outcome, just as my physical being and movements are repeated and restricted by cooking or laying the table.
In this work I was interested in exploring the idea of creativity or creative output through restriction. The element of restriction is echoed in my daily life, (through routine and duties) which is repeated daily. In this work I am also interested in the idea of incremental learning, building a series of drawings and learning from each one. 
One of the important elements of drawing for me, is to reflect and relate a drawing to the world we live in and by so doing externalise a thought.